The Power of I AM

The Power of I Am poster

Louise Hay says, "I am Love, I am Energy,  I am a shining Light!"  Dr. Wayne Dyer says,"By placing new I AMs into my imagination, my future dream is a present fact."

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SIMPLE TRUTH:  The Power of I Am poster GOD IS...therefore, I AM  God is within the center of my being and I am His image and likeness here in this earthly experience solely to express as the God that is within.  God is Life, Truth, Love, Spirit, Principle and Wisdom.  I as a child of God, a product of Divine Creation set in motion the qualities of God within.  Therefore I am Life, I am Truth, I am Love, I am Principle and I am Wisdom.  When I recognize who and what is the truth of my being, my true self, I am these things in action.

There is nothing more powerful than when you can say with confidence, I AM.  Any declaration that begins with "I am" is instantly something you possess.  It is not something that you think you want, or desire, or think you need, or think you should have, or are expecting, or wishing for and certainly not something you are bragging about coming to you.  It is SIMPLY WHO you are right NOW.  The "I am" statement is the truth about you and as such much more than a positive affirmation.  Not that affirmations are not really good tools to help with bringing your thoughts into alignment with Divine Mind or God thoughts.

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The Power of I Am posterThe "I am" statement versus the daily affirmation might be described as the difference between a simple right now statement and a wish list.  A vessel like a cup exists and wants to be filled.  The cup is the "I am" absolute of the statement while the filling for the cup is the wish list, the affirming thoughts that are reminders of what we want to attract into our life, our cup.  

Using a daily affirmation that is encouraging, uplifting and positive will fill your conscious mind with thoughts of a higher vibration.  The vibrations of the thoughts on which we focus goes into Universal energy and is attracted back to us in like.
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 Daily affirmations are daily reminders and lessons for expanding our spiritual awareness.  As such they are invaluable.  The "I am" statement is purely a statement of fact which requires no more thought and simply making the statement of truth about your true identity.  There is no future tense in an "I am" statement. 
Bottom line:  The affirmation says this is what I would like to see manifested in my life.  The "I am" statement states what IS your life.
The Power of I Am posterIf you are saying, "I want to lose weight," then it is just a wishful statement but...if you are saying, "I AM losing weight," you are describing what is happening for you right now!

The Power of I Am poster  This is an affirmation I used for a long time, "Losing weight is possible for me."  I then graduated to "I am well, I am whole, and I am strong and healthy."  Now, it is as simple as "I am losing weight."  There is no doubt about the intent here nor the action.  There is no 'if' or 'will' or 'desire to' involved.  It is the difference between what I know it should be or what I expect it will be to what is right now. Any time I think of my body this comes immediately to my mind, "I am losing weight."  When I eat I automatically think, "I am losing weight with every bite that I take."  Period, end of story.  When your affirmation becomes part of your go-to response, your thought process or belief system then it is a done deal.  God does the heavy lifting.  Your job is to believe and God does the rest.
The Power of I Am poster


The Power of I Am poster


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