Silently Sending Love

Silently Sending Love Poster Love is one of the few things in life that gets greater the more you give it away.  In fact, without love there just is no life. If you live your life in a constant state of anger, greed, self-indulgence then you are not really living.  In truth, everyone needs a little love, a random act of kindness, a tender thought.  Each of God's creations have one thing in common.  All things were created by God, Divine Mind.  Being that God IS Love, then all things were created through Love.  We therefore all have the spirit of God within us and that is comprised of love.  Loving is then a natural state of being and something that needs to be shared.  

It does not matter if you say something to someone but as you pass by another person you can always send them a silent message, a blessing of love straight from your heart to theirs.  Love is a high vibration and as you send it out you are sending out a strong vibration that will make a difference.  There are several reasons or benefits to silently sending love and blessings, not just to family and friends but to perfect strangers as well. 

  Read this letter and you will see a very big reason for making this a common practice in your life.  It is why this should be a new 'good' habit to develop. 

Silently Sending Love Poster

We are one in spirit, one in God, one in love.  That makes everyone more than strangers.  It makes a connection to all people and today may be the day your smile or loving thoughts will turn a stranger into a new friend.  The bible tells us to "love your neighbors as yourself."  Actually, in the act of loving your neighbor you are loving yourself.  You know what they say, when you point a finger at someone there are four pointing back at you.  So, when you send a loving thought to someone you get that love right back as it strengthens your own capacity to love.

Silently Sending Love Poster
Silently Sending Love PosterIt is okay to throw kindness around.  It is okay to go the extra mile to show someone they matter in this world.  Remember that what you put out you attract.  This is how life works. There is a synchronicity to life.  When you think loving thoughts they go into the ether and make life better for everyone.  Besides, if you are walking with your head down, your thoughts centered on your own issues, your heart is closed off to others.  You have a steady stream of thoughts coming through your conscious mind every day but there are only select ones that get your focus.  You can only focus on one thought at a time.  So, if you choose to send silent blessings that is the thought that is getting your focus.  In that moment you have forgotten your pain, your own issues and in that moment you have opened your heart not only to give but to receive.

Here is my wish for you today and every day...Silently Sending Love Poster

Call on your angels to help you remember to send out silent messages of love.  After all, they are the experts, it is what they do.  Your guardian angel is a good one to ask for this kind of help.  While you are at it, send some love to your angels!  Along with the silent blessing you send to strangers or family or friends don't forget to ask your angels to send their love as well.


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