Within your own being you have been given all of the tools necessary to master your life. This is both God's gift and promise. Along with these spiritual tools you have also been given something called 'free will'. The freedom to make your own life choices makes you responsible for your own life and it's outcome. The spiritual tools are yours to use at any time but how and when you use them is completely up to you. There are two important questions that come immediately to mind. What is in my 'Spiritual Toolbox'? How do I use my 'spiritual tools'?
In your Spiritual Toolbox you will find what is necessary to learn how to forgive and let go, how to be loved, loving and lovable, how to express God qualities toward others or sacred service and the true value of both giving and receiving. The first step in using the tools in your Spiritual Toolbox is to live a life of gratitude. Appreciate the God qualities in yourself so that you can appreciate them in others.
Within your spiritual toolbox you will find charity. Charity is the means by which we express to others those God qualities that will bless and heal mankind. They include kindness, patience, goodness, virtue, temperance, tolerance and faith. Extending these loving qualities to others is an integral part of God's plan. The realization that the things that others do and say are not the things that can affect your life makes charity a natural choice. It is always your choice to let others words or actions disturb your peace. It is easy to feel charity (love and compassion) toward others when you fully understand that the things they say and do cannot destroy your peace.
It is all in your own thought pattern. If you let the actions or words of others you give them power in your life. To avoid this it is necessary to use your spiritual tools.
Ways to utilize your spiritual tools are through meditation or prayer, in the stillness or by calling on the guidance of your angels. Practicing love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance and the like, puts you in tune with the frequency of your higher self. Within your soul you will find peace and in your heart you will find contentment. No one and no thing can take your peace from you unless you allow it to happen by your own thought patterns.
To use the tools in your spiritual toolbox begin with a simple prayer or affirmation. For instance, "All is Well!" Let the words come from your intention to do good, to follow God's Word and then let the words you speak resonate in your soul. Listen to any messages that come to you or just relax in the peacefulness that happens when your mind, body and soul are in harmony.
An affirmation for 'Spiritual Tools' might be, "My intentions are for good and I am using my spiritual tools. All is well."
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