As a child, my mother used to quote this poem to me on a regular basis. It has always stayed with me and is one of my favorite sayings. "Oh what a dangerous web we weave when we first practice to deceive." It was my mother's way of teaching me not to tell lies. Now many, many years later it comes to me that in order to avoid telling lies it is essential to avoid telling yourself lies. Ghandi is quoted saying, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Unfortunately, many of us have a tendency to fight with ourself, in effect becoming our own worst enemy. To be in harmony with yourself is about being in harmony with who you are. The minute you look at others who think, operate and live differently than yourself, you are judging who and what you are. Judging yourself will put you out of balance. Each of us is a unique individual who has different talents...
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